Friday, April 23, 2010

One Year Ago

One year ago today I was at work and got a phone call from my husband asking if I was ready to have a baby. I rushed around trying to gather my things, not at all prepared for a baby to arrive, after all he was coming over 3 weeks early. I called my husband back because it seemed surreal...he must be kidding right?

One year ago today we rushed to the Royal Alex to meet Stacy, and I had tears rolling down my cheeks because I was so worried Stacy was going to be alone going through an emergency c-section.

One year ago today we suited up to go sit beside Stacy and hold her hand while they rushed to get our baby boy out of her belly.

One year ago today we heard our baby cry for the first time.

One year ago today we were given the most amazing, beautiful, selfless gift in the world.

One year ago today we held my beautiful baby boy in my arms and knew what irrevocable true love was.

Happy Birthday Hudson, my beautiful son.

Thank you Mat and Stacy for giving us the world there are not enough words to express our gratitude.

1 comment:

riversnake said...

Happy Birthday, Hudson! You got me back as I teared up when I read your post :,)

Have an amazing day celebrating such an amazing, cute, miracle of a little boy!
